2024 ​Foster Care and At-Risk Children
Pajama Collection Has Ended.
Our Goal Has Been Met!
Our goal was to collect 1600 pairs of new pajamas to be distributed through
Heartland for Children, ECHO Ministries and Worthy and Known Family Projects
​If you still want to help the at-risk children in our area by donating
a new pair of pajamas through our website
​​​​​​​For more information email: info@whoiamfoundation.com

Helping Foster Care children and teens communicate their likes, dislikes and needs to the guardians and Foster Care Parents caring for them.

Foster Care Scrapbook Program
Who I Am was approached by several Foster Care Parents looking for a way to better communicate and understand the children placed in their care. Since that time, our mission has expanded to help Foster Care Parents and Caregivers connect on a personal level with these children.
Currently, in the tri-county area, when children are removed from their homes by Child Protective Services, they are taken to a Heartland for Children Intake Center for placement. Their partner, ECHO Ministry, then gifts each child with a "first night" bag. This bag contains a basic toiletry kit, a stuffed animal, our Who I Am Scrapbook Gift Set and because of our pajama program, a new pair of pajamas.
Scrapbook Gift Set - Who I Am along with their High School Bright Future Volunteers, created a gift set containing a 5 x 7 scrapbook, fun stickers and marker set. The scrapbook is filled with "Who I Am Description Cards" to help them describe their likes, dislikes and any details about their life story they wish to share. Made of plastic, children can easily carry it with them if they move to multiple locations.